
Engajer Interactive Video Development Consulting

Engajer, as the decade’s revolutionary interactive communications platform, can provide your business with the point of difference that can lead to an immediate and long-lasting connection and engagement with your current and potential customer base. To get the very most out of the Professional Version of the engajer platform, Engajer Consulting Services (ECS) offers a development partnership team to help you concept, design, produce, activate, track, and analyze your new communications campaign. 

ECS is a fee-based program that will guide your team through all aspects of their initial engajer campaign development process. Every consulting program is custom in its level of complexity and therefore each fee is priced accordingly. Please call us at 408-916-7201 to discuss your needs so we can generate an affordable quote.

Your ECS account manager will lead your team through a disciplined Concept Template that will ensure your final campaign hits all the targets you’ve identified in your marketing and sales strategy. This foundational step is key in the ultimate structural success of your Engajer campaign.

We will help you design the most effective Engajer interactive video program– from the construction of the Decision Tree, the writing of the manuscripts, the creation and selection of graphics, to the selection of the most appropriate on-screen talent– we help you through the whole process. We can also help write effective email introductions and select the best target email lists to expand your campaign to new audiences through our partnership and integration with Sales Force and Marketo.

ECS and its creative process partners can provide all of the production services you are unable to provide through your team. This can include casting of on-screen talent, filming, audio, art, direction and editing.

We will help you upload all Engajer interactive video elements and mailing lists for distribution to your target audiences.

The Engajer Dashboard is a vital and highly productive element for any communications program. We will train your team on all of the valuable real-time reports available and the ‘hot target’ identifiers. We will continually educate your team on the proven best practices for effective dashboard productivity.

ECS will consult with you on your post-campaign analysis to help you maximize the effectiveness of your follow-up Engajer campaigns.

We always want to connect our clients

Engajer is accessible and beneficial for organizations, and we look forward to partnering with businesses to achieve their goals.

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  • Phone: (408)-916-7201